Friday, July 18

Color Pencils

So I eventually caved in and bought Prismacolors because I have seen what they can do, and I read how wonderful they are. I used to used Faber Castell color pencils (the kind you can just get at Popular bookstore for really cheap) because I have always believed that well. As cliche as it sounds, it's the artist that matters more than the tools he uses.

But hey, this was when I had the money to splurge. In the end, I got these off Amazon:

Sunday, July 13

Drawing Portraits: pencil

A long time ago (ok, that was about two months ago), I told myself that I want to start drawing portraits again. Not that I was good to begin with, but I do need to start somewhere.

In need of inspiration, I asked some of my family members for some suggestions on who to draw. And I got a request for Harry Judd from Mcfly by my 3rd sister, a request for Captain America from BG, and a Benedict Cumberbatch from my bf. Inspired, and also not wanting to let anyone down, so I began my journey!

My first drawing, the one I attempted of Harry Judd, looks NOTHING LIKE HIM:

But it inspired me nonetheless, and I created two more drawings.

WIP : Captain America
So I didn't complete the Captain America. Or should I say, I haven't. In fact, the Cumberbatch sat around for two months before I finally got around to finishing it. And I am glad I did. Here are the end results:

I used pencils in H, 2B, 4B, 6B and a white gel pen for highlights.

WIP: Benedict Cumberbatch.
This sat around my desk, haunting me for two months.
It was only much later did I realise that his neck was much
too thin, and his eyes were too big. So two months later,
it was like working on a brand new drawing.

I know it looks kind of brown here.. I haven't
mastered photoshopping skills yet. Haha!
Used a Pentel white gel pen to add the highlights in the eyes.
I am going to keep drawing, yes I am!

The Great Blog Clean-up!

Dearest loyal readers (yes, both of you),

You might be surprised to find that almost all of the posts have mysteriously disappeared from my blog, and that it seems to have been taken over by 13 year olds with the colour scheme and all. Then again, you might also have no recollection of this whatsoever, so I have effectively just wasted 2 minutes of your life, and I apologise for that. But I digress.

This year*, I want something different.  Something new. Something positive. Something something.

I have left some old posts up in case you want to reminisce or something. Anyhoos. Prepare for change!

But first, let me take a bath.

*the year starts anytime I want it to.

Peace and love,