Watching Iron Man on tv, and I get the whole thing about Robert Downey Jr being cool and all that, but eating my banana cake and watching him go about his antics, I felt myself getting more and more riled up.
Would this character work if it were a female? No wait, let me rephrase that. Would we like the female alternative of Iron Man? No, no, no. That is not right. Would we accept a strong female character as readily? It's strange isn't it, that if someone like Tony Stark acts the way he acts, and talks the way he talks, he's just a cocky rich boy being himself, and it's endearing and acceptable. What if it were a female equivalent? Oh gosh, she'd he such a bitch, wouldn't she? Worse if she isn't busty or clad in something for you to look at.
I don't think I'm making a big fuss out of this. Come on, it's just a movie, you say. Yes, it is a movie, but I believe that if we stop questioning these double standards (and really start accepting them) then honestly, you're doing no one any favours. The world doesn't need more people perpetuating stereotypes. It certainly doesn't need people making women feel bad for being who they are (come on, stop letting them say it's PMS. Honestly, people have to accept that women DO get angry too).
For the most part, act the way you feel is worthy. Be kind, be grateful. Be angry when you are, but always remember:
Bad behavior is gender neutral, let's keep it that way. It is unacceptable for both men and women, and any other gender in between. Let us not say it's ok for one, and not the other.
Have a great day!
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