Wednesday, January 5

Girl love

Before we start, I would like to state clearly that I am not gay.

I have nothing against gays, and I do not think that there is something inherently wrong with you if you are. But I must make this very clear before I go on to today's topic.

A spate of recent events have led me to think about this:
Is there such a thing as a platonic relationship between same genders?

I used to think that I would never ever be close to girls, especially since if you are close to someone, it may mean that they may end up liking you romantically. At least, that is what I thought happens between girls and boys. Also, girls are complicated! They are bitchy, they back-stab, they criticise... blah lah blah blahdeBLAH!

Unless you are one of those girls with traits that i mentioned above (well, if you are, BE GONE! you are not welcome here.. ), I don't see why there is a problem.

Simply put, if you are apprehensive about making friends with other girls because you are afraid of what they will do to you, then surely you can expect that the may be thinking the same of you! And everyone keeps away because they are afraid that they might get hurt.. But if you are generally afraid of getting close to people because you are scared that they might leave, it's another topic altogether. And I digress.

Why can't we say "I love you" to each other without feeling like we are freaks or we must be *gasp* lesbians!

So if I tell my mother I love her, does that make me a.. *gasp* incestuous lesbian?!

Sorry, Mom.

And what do we do when we are accused of being gay? We defend ourselves, we get angry, we question ourselves, we question others... should we stop being who we are because people might talk about us? Should we stop talking to each other? Would it be awkward? Is it too idealistic to think that people don't matter? Because people do matter. Perception is reality, and how someone views becomes who you are!

But we can't control perceptions. So what's a girl to do?

Already, I feel the pressure as a heterosexual being accused of homosexuality. No wonder so many people stay in the closet! If people aren't even allowed to be who they are (or are not), what kind of world are we creating for ourselves?

Then comes the question: What if you start to fall for each other? If you spend a lot of time with someone, you might end up having sexual/ romantic thoughts about him/ her right?

I love Peter the cat. I see him everyday, I talk to him, I cuddle him. Does that make me a practitioner of bestiality? Hell, no. Arguably that was a simplistic argument, but surely you know of friends whom you will never ever fall for, and it never ever crossed your mind to begin with, so why is this any different?

As a connoisseur of love (self proclaimed), I can assure you that there are so many forms of love around.

Let's all take a step back, and think about the ambiguous and arbitrary nature of words and their meanings.

Everything in context*, please!

* Also the title of my Final Year Project!

Instead of wasting precious time speculating about their relationships and whether or not they are gay, why not go out there and find your own best friend or activity partner (if you haven't already) and you will know what I'm talking about. and by then, you will be so busy having fun that you won't even have time to speculate.
So girls, stop hatin' on each other, if you are still one of those wary girls who have very few girl friends because you are afraid that they will "snatch your bf" (in other words, competition), in which case, I recommend letting those people go because they are not worth your time! Also I recommend working on some of your insecurity issues, though for myself it is a never ending battle but we have to keep fighting!

Don't even get me started on the Female Chauvanist Pigs! They aren't interested in girl friends, so if you know one, get the hell outta there!

Unless you have found a boy who enjoys getting manicures done, and who would love to listen to you talk about how ill you are, or enjoys discussing tampons and pads, then I am very sure that girls are your best bet! I am sure there are guys like who are genuinely interested in these things, and if you found them, great.

And oh yes, one more thing I dislike:
Bromance- The term reeks of homophobia! Because *gasp* boys can't be friends! Surely they are... gay! Yes, let's make them feel ashamed for feeling love for each other! What better way to describe a relationship between two guys than to make fun of it? Good job, Hollywood.

So stop all the accusations already. Get a life! And I mean that in the best possible sense. As in, get a life, and be happy!

Have a good day!

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