Wednesday, August 7

It's killing me thinking about you

So I get out there, buy me a new sketchbook, and I am going to fill it with beautiful things. Or every day things, even.

I have been hearing this a lot the past few days:
It's not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.

To add on to that, it is true, what someone said today. Beauty to you is the values that those people hold. If you value humor, then someone who is funny will be beautiful to you.

This really explains how beauty is in the eye of the beholder doesn't it? Best of all, it's not so literal and I suppose I could say that I now understand what it truly means?

I'm going to look for the beauty in everything.

More than ever, I have to L.O.V.E (or lmve, rather. Live My Values Everyday) and love I will. In every sense of the word. Someone who can love is always beautiful.

I trust that you will have a wonderful day.